Migration Tasmania’s nomination priorities are:
Candidates with an employment and a skills assessment related to critical roles* (generally health, allied health, infrastructure engineering).
Candidates with an employment and skills assessment related to the Tasmanian Skilled Occupation List.
Candidates in other skilled employment (ANZSCO Skill Level 1-3) with a related skills assessment.New business owners providing substantial employment opportunities for local Australian citizens, permanent residents or provisional visa holders.
All other eligible candidates with skills or training relevant to the needs of Tasmania and who are able to make a genuine contribution to Tasmania through skilled employment.
Applications are being considered according to these priorities, with those in critical roles nominated first.
Existing applicants who are not in critical roles are being considered only after priority applications for critical roles have been processed.
In practice, applicants in Priorities 1-3 will be approved and nominated on an ongoing basis.
Periodically, other eligible applicants will be nominated if sufficient quota places are available.
Given the limited number of nomination places available, priority 4 and 5 applicants may not receive an outcome for some weeks after their application is considered.