Net Overseas The Budget papers predict net overseas migration will be -71,200 less than the 154,000 persons in 2019-20, but is expected to gradually increase to around 201,000 in 2023-24.

Current Migration Program Planning Level will remain at 160,000 for the 2020-21 program year, however, the distribution of places will change with an increase from 47,732 to 77,300 for Family stream places for this program year only.
Employer Sponsored, Global Talent, Business Innovation and Investment Program visas will be prioritised within the Skilled Stream.
Prioritized Applications Onshore visa applicants and Partner visa applicants where the relevant sponsor resides in a designated regional area, will be prioritised for the 2020-21 Migration Program.
VAC Refund for Prospective Visa Applicants PMV applicants will be able to access a VAC refund (this is in line with information that the Department is not extending the entry date for PMV holders and moving to cancel the visas of those offshore)
VAC Waiver for temporary skilled workers and visitor visa holders will be eligible to have the VAC for a subsequent visa application waived, to allow them to return to Australia once travel restrictions are lifted and also for current visa holders who are unable to travel until the border reopens.
NZ Citizens on 444 Visa Applicants the income eligibility requirement 444 applicants on Skilled Independent (subclass 189) visa. Eligibility for the Pathway will be extended to Special Category (subclass 444) visa holders who have a taxable income at or above the Temporary Skilled Migrant Income Threshold for at least three of the last five income years, including the most recent year.
Business, Investment and Innovation Program
The Government will introduce changes to improve the quality of investments and applicants. The program will focus on higher value investors, business owners and entrepreneurs and improve the economic outcomes of the BIIP Places in this program will be increased to 13,500.