The Migration program is designed to achieve a range of economic and social outcomes. The program is set annually, with the total places available capped at a ceiling of 160,000…
Net Overseas The Budget papers predict net overseas migration will be -71,200 less than the 154,000 persons in 2019-20, but is expected to gradually increase to around 201,000 in 2023-24.…
Are you applying for 189 Permanent Visa ? The 189 visa is a points-tested permanent visa for skilled workers who are not sponsored by an Australian employer.The Subclass 189 Skilled…
I’m operating a small business in regional Queensland Features This stream is for migrants who are currently living and operating a small business in a regional area. Applicants must have…
We will be opening Victoria’s 2020-21 Victorian skilled visa nomination program (subclass 190 and 491) on Tuesday 8 September, 2020. We will also be changing the way we select applicants…
The Australian Government’s priority for migration in 2020-21 is supporting Australia’s economic and public health response to, and recovery from, the COVID-19 pandemic. This includes an emphasis on migrants who…